Saturday 17 March 2012

30 minutes after brushing



Having accumulated as much grass, muck, fox doodoo, water, leaves and random unidentifiable icky things in my coat as I could possible manage, the only thing left to do is have a good roll on the communal Baskerville Manor bed. 

15 minutes after brushing


Ahh, that’s a bit better.  I’ve had a long drink to get my beard and moustache as wet and drippy as possible, and then managed a spot of snuffling in the flowerpot before Yours Truly Confused caught me. 

I’ve also dipped my ears in something lovely and yucky and got my legs and chest good and soggy so the hair there is curling nicely and merging into a nice solid mass. 

The neighbourhood fox has been visiting overnight, he’s left some delightful doings under the trees, Now, if I can just get in a good roll before YTC spots me ……….

10 minutes after brushing


Ok, I’ve made it out to the back garden and I’m pretty sure Yours Truly Confused can’t see me behind this bush. 

I wonder whether I should sneak back in and arrest that nasty brush thing?  Or shall I engage in a spot of bottom rubbing… there are some lovely leaves and twigs back here that would accentuate my rump beautifully.

The 5 minutes after brushing look

Every Saturday morning there is an epic struggle between YTC and The Diva. Tangles get undone between attempts to assassinate the hairbrush. It usually ends with YTC on the floor and The Diva flouncing out to have a nice roll in the compost heap.