Saturday 18 February 2012

About The Diva

I'm not the sort of girl to brag, but I think I look pretty good in this picture.

My role in Baskerville Manor is to to take up as much space as possible, eat the compost in the flowerpots, redistribute the contents of the bin and encourage my mom to put her boots away.

I've had my own Facebook account for some years, and now my mom thinks I'm ready to tell my story on my very own blog. There's an option here to support World Wildlife Fund, so if you love animals, please visit The Diva's Page often and click the panel to the right.

I'm cheating a bit with the top picture, I only ever look like that after a day at the spa. My preferred look is a little more casual.  My favourite pastimes, after chewing  any of my Mom's possessions, are:

Rolling in badger poo

Taking nice long drinks of water, sticking my face in the flowerpot, then attempting to kiss the nearest human

Rolling in fox poo

Stealing Timmie's food

Friday 17 February 2012

I’m a jailbird


  • I’m a jailbird (bailed out of the pound six times in one year)
  • I’m gorgeous
  • I like to eat books
  • I’m beautiful
  • I like to eat boots
  • I’m adorable
  • I like to eat spectacles
  • I’m the biggest, furriest girl in Baskerville Manor

About the jailbird thing.  I started life somewhere outside Dublin. My first owner didn’t take much care of me, so I basically lived in a shed and had puppies, and did nothing else. I was never house trained, or taught to walk on a lead, or come when I was called. I never got to play with anybody.

I was rescued by a kind family who took me in and did everything they could to make me healthy.  But they only had a small house, they had kids and there was already a Weimaraner living there. There was not a lot of space. While I really, really, liked them, I needed to get out and see the world.  As I am not a very street-wise girl, this lead to me being arrested and jailed six times.  Jason, the dad of the house, bailed me out every time, but I could see he was getting worried.